Yesterday the weather started to improve a bit. It still isn't really warm but at least the sun is, intermittently, showing its face and the temperature is grudgingly climbing to just under 20C. This is of course well below what it should be at this time of year.
I went out to see how our lizard orchids are doing and they are now in full flower. Ours are always tricky to photograph as they lurk in shady green places and as they're mostly pale-ish green themselves there isn't a lot of contrast with their backdrop. Close up shots do work however as they show the splashes of cerise spots and dusky pink of the 'ribbons'.
Not really all pale green |
Lizard orchid flower spike |
The roses we have inherited have all done extremely well this year. The red slightly scented one by the front door especially. In fact, so much so that we were able to cut a large bouquet for the living room while still leaving plenty on the bush. It isn't a repeat flowering type although in the past we have had the odd second bloom around August.
Red roses from the garden |
A couple of years ago a friend from Massachusetts sent us a packet of wildflower seed. Niall sowed them in a patch on the south side of the house and each year we get a slightly different collection of flowers coming up. So far this year we've had California poppies, one of my absolute favourite flowers, as well as lupins and Sweet William. It will be interesting to see what else pops up as the summer continues.
California poppy |
Sweet William |
You're clearly getting around well now...lovely photographs.
We had Californian poppies for years from a pack of seeds, though eventually they all reverted to yellow from the metallic shades with which we started out.
I love those Californian poppies, they're so cheerful.
Glad the weather is perking up a bit and I hope that you are recovering according to plan.......only one week to driving again I think ??!!
The lizard orchid is a stunner - I can see how it got it's name!
@Fly - yes pottering around is going very well [1 crutch outside for the final week]
@Jean - that's why I love them. A bit of sunshine even when there's non.
1 week tomorrow :-)
@rusty duck - some people find them messy flowerers but if you take the trouble to look closely they are lovely.
In French 'Sweet William' is called 'Bouquet-tout-fait'. Wonder who came up with that name, but it couldn't have been more appropriate, could it? martine
@Ladybird - it certainly is :-)
The orchid is stunning! I'm a fan of sweet william - such an old fashioned flower with a lovely scent.
Glad that you're improving.
@Craig - up close it certainly is :-). From further away it does look frayed and a bit messy.
I have never heard that lovely "bouquet-tout-fait" for Sweet William a.k.a. Dianthus barbatus. It is a French Walloon expression. In France Sweet William is known as "œillet de poète" [poet's carnation].
I always think Lizard Orchids look like something decorated with delicate mauvey streamers. I don't know why some people don't like them.
I have never heard that lovely "bouquet-tout-fait" for Sweet William a.k.a. Dianthus barbatus. It is a French Walloon expression. In France Sweet William is known as "œillet de poète" [poet's carnation].
@chm - I can see why; they'd make a nice buttonhole.
@Susan - they do look like a rattle with streamers don't they
I agree with Susan...
can't understand why people don't like them...
there are some magnificent specimens around this year...
there are a couple here that come up to my armpit...
and there is one on sentry duty as you get to the steep bend just before Grand Pressigny on the D103.
Aha! The Walloons... thanks CHM... I wanted an excuse for a beer!
@Tim - well it looks as if everyone here is in favour of Lizards at least :-)
I packed a bit of sun in my suitcase last Monday - glad it reached you. :-) Those flowers are beautiful and so varied. Your garden must always be interesting, especial;ly now you can get out and about in it again.
@Perpetua - hope you are enjoying that sun in Basse Normandie as well :-). It finally seems to have settled into summer weather !!
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