We've had a few days of less rain and more sun:- hurrah! The predictions are that we are in for some sunnier, milder and more spring-like weather for the next week or so.
One of our species of daffodils |
This is great because the garden is screaming out for some attention. The grass has become so long it resembles the vegetative version of dreadlocks and there are still hazel bushes which need hacking back.
Our other type of daffodil--this one has been in flower for just over a week |
However, none of this is going to happen if the ground doesn't dry out a bit first. The ride-on mower will cut the grass, no problem, but if it is too wet the grass will clog up the system which spits it out to the side which isn't good. Slip-sliding in boggy ground with a chain saw isn't too clever an idea either, so patience is required. Hopefully we'll be able to tackle some of the remaining bushes on Sunday.
Our Japanese quince is flowering much more strongly than last year |
This Saturday is Charnizay's annual
fĂȘte. We'll be hoping we have a day like today -- blue skies, sun and temperatures slowly creeping up towards the 15C mark. In fact, this morning we sat outside the house with a coffee for the first time this year - normally it's Poitiers on Wednesdays but there's a week's break in classes.
Cowslips in three colour breaks |
So just to prove that our weather is getting better here are some photos taken yesterday of what's in flower around the house. The new banner photo was taken this morning.
A carpet of scented violets under one of our small sumac trees |
Beautiful and worth waiting for.
Hope the weather continues to improve for you both as I always feel that Spring lifts the spirits.
It's about time, isn't it!
I remember the wet grass clogging the outlet problem...and also how we could not mow round the sloping approaches to the pond for fear of sliding in....
The same here, and definitely not before time. First 'proper' day of gardening today, but I still had to stick to the paths because the slopes are so wet.
The cowslips are very pretty and love your new header!
What lovely photos. The quince is gorgeous!
We gardened this afternoon and had our tea break outside. Couldn't believe it! We don't seem to have many cowslips. I'll have to have a look tomorrow.
@Gaynor - it is amazing what a bit of sun will do :-); and today looks like being another lovely sunny day!
@fly - isn't it just!! The cats were developing webbed feet!
Yes ..... ponds and mowers don't really go together do they? ;-)
@Rusty Duck - we don't seem to have as many cowslips as we've had in previous years. I especially love the very dark red colour break which I'd not seen before moving here and finding them popping up in the garden.
@Morning AJ - the Japanese quince is really exploding at the moment and it's such a cheerful vibrant colour.
@Aussie - we have plenty of cowslips but only one tiny patch of primroses. No idea why.
Lovely photos, especially the daffodils. I planted some daff bulbs but the chickens dug them back up again, so no daffodils for us this year!
@Vera - a previous owner planted all ours and it was a real delight the 1st spring we were here to see them appear.
We've put in tulip bulbs but they aren't doing so well -- they don't really like clay soil which is what we have; but we wanted to give it a go.
Super photos and I gather from a friend in southern Normandy that you've been having equally super weather for the past week. perfect for your fete. It seems rather early in the year for a fete, so I guess your commune is used to coping with the vagaries of the March weather. :-)
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