Yesterday we were at the Super U in Loches doing our weekly shop and getting gas when this car drove up next to us at the pump. Now you see all kinds of cars here in rural France, from the expensive to the downright rickety held together more with scotch tape than anything else. The car below however, would standout wherever it went!
Guilded double horse-head on the hood, cow horns on the roof, cream period jerry cans strapped to the sides, lovely teak woodwork and immaculate cream and chocolate paintwork. It even sported a matching chocolate-painted shovel strapped to the back of the cab!
Yee-Ha! |
We asked the gentleman if we could take a photo of his car. Sporting cowboy boots and a baseball cap with the Confederate flag on
the front he was obviously a devotee of all things 'western'. He beamed and said sure before carrying on filling his tank. When he left he gave us a cheery wave and we were left contemplating the very grubby state of our car. He certainly put us in the shade!
People do some amazing things with the Deux Chevaux - don't they?
@Leon & Sue - absolutely!! This wasn't one for the purist -- all that was missing was some country music blaring out out the stero system!
That bonnet looks suspiciously large, with an air intake - all for show or was there really a 625cc engine in there? Hark! Pauline
NOT what one expects to see at SuperU, Niall and Antoinette. :-) Mind you, I think it would stand out anywhere on this side of the Atlantic.
@Tim - you know there's no point in asking us as we have no idea; but it definitely was a show(off) piece!
@Perpetua - absolutely though on the other side of the pond it would be deemed a 'miniature' car.
Wow, lovely car, one that I would well enjoy rolling round the lanes in SW France with! Had a Citroen 2CV a few years ago and we had a real fun time together. Would love another one when funds allow, but Lester thinks I would be a hooligan in it. He is probably right!
Perhaps you could ask him to do a job on your car and hope that he isn't really a 'cowboy'!
It certainly is a sight to behold.
Marvellous !!
Yee Haw!
@Vera - you'd certainly be the center of attention! :-)
@Gaynor - but I'm not sure we're ready for a set of cow horns!
@Jean - it certainly turned heads.
@Fly - ride 'em cowboy!
'Twas not Tim but Pauline... but this is Tim... now, that looks a wierd bonnet... a touch of Mercedes about it... there are 2CVs around with Merc bonnets... real Merc bonnets re-shaped!! Sort of sad really... not for the car, more the owner!! 2CVs evolve... but this one cross bred... nice custom pick up!!
I love the header!! Really wintery!!
@Tim - it certainly was customised and color co-ordinated within an inch of it's life. Bonnet was squared off not rounded--didn't know they used Merc bits for that.
@Tim - re:header; thought it was time for a bit of winter--pic from Feb this year. It would nice to have some snow for Christmas.
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