Well not quite. Early last week would be more exact. Niall had gone for a ramble and I was doing some work in my study when I paused for a coffee break. Toddling into the kitchen I found Katinka looking hopefull but she'd had breakfast and pleadings that she was sooooo hungry fell on deaf ears. Disappointed, she preceeded me out the door.
sitting pretty |
Coffee made, I went out onto the terrace and sat enjoying the quiet; there was nothing to be heard except birdsong.
I became aware of movement out of the corner of my eye and in the longer grass spotted something Katinka colored and initially thought it was her -- but it wasn't. It was a large hare.
humm where to next? |
I sat very still and it came closer, happily foraging on the grass. Katinka appeared and mooched along the terrace wall. At this point I thought the hare would slope off or that Katinka would bounce up to the hare. Neither happened. Katinka went off one way and the hare carried on munching; they weren't the slightest bit interested in each other. Naturally the camera was not to hand but was sat on a shelf in my study.
off to the next patch |
Coffee finished I got up and assumed that my movements would send the hare scampering off. However, a few minutes later when I was back in my study the hare hopped into view again and I was able to take a few photos through the window.
A very nice visit. Lucky you :-)
I guess Katinka knew that the hare would outrun her anyway. So she just thought that it was not worth the effort; especially on a empty stomach ;) Martine
Hello Niall and Antoinette:
Is it too awful to say here that we have eaten some very memorable Hare dishes in our time?!!!
If it is [too awful, that is], well, we are very impressed with your wonderful photographs of the fleeting Hare!
@Susan - the times when the camera is nowhere to hand and there's no second chance are too numerous to mention!!
It was nice to be lucky :-)
@Martine - exactly. :-) Just wish I'd had the camera when they were close enough to capture together!
@Jane & Lance - not at all :-) Hare is a super dish.
Cute as they are, we always think 'mint sauce' when we see lambs ;-)
Super photos! We had a similar visit a week ago while our daughter was here. Right outside the conservatory, feasting on the new grass, was a hare and DD got some great photos. Must get her to send them to me. :-)
@Perpetua - just wish he/she'd brought lots of friends then we'd have to mow less :-)
You should -- I'm sure there's a post in there ;-)
I have seen several rabbits on our lawn, but I don't think I have seen hares. We have enough that I have had to fence our veg garden!! Diane
@Diane - Bunnies are rare. Never seen one in any of the fields round about our house; just a hare now and then like last week.
I have the impression that if you have rabbits you don't have hares and vice versa - but why I don't know.
When we lived in the country in the U.K. the local rough shooters would not eat the hares they shot - local superstition about witches turning themselves into hares - so we ate a lot of hare and very good it was too.
@Fly - interesting. Certainly where we used to live there were plenty of bunnies and we never saw a hare.
Think it is a much underestimated meat; we both like it a lot.
We got a fleeting glimpse of a hare on the road to LG-P, but nothing a clear as your pic. How lovely to see them in your back garden.
You need to be quick though as its a case of 'hare today, gone tomorrow'! Groan....
@Gaynor - LOL! I resisted it in the title :-)
The hare was pretty relaxed, far less jumpy than I thought it would be [no pun intended ;-)]
There were lots of hares in the fields behind the château when we were walking Lulu earlier in the year. She tried chasing them but it was no contest !!
@Jean - Poor Lulu, I suspect she didn't like losing :-)
love these rabbit pictures!
@Gloria - welcome! and thank you :-) This hare wasn't in too much of a hurry so I was able to photograph it.
Really great pictures! We have bunnies at our French house -- with cotton tails!
@The Broad - No bunnies here but the hare was around again at b'fast time this morning.
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