Friday 25 November 2011

little cat feet

murky mist towards Eric's field
The weather has reminded me of Carl Sandberg's poem. This morning when I looked out the window it was all murky and foggy. In other words, proper November weather, the thermometer outside the kitchen door read 4C at about 8:30am. Quickly going out to take some photographs you could hear the drip, drip, drip of moisture falling from the branches and leaves.


The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

Carl Sandberg, Chicago Poems (1916)

fog droplets
Hopefully it will lift a little as tonight we're out on the town --- well the village more like. A local theatre company, La RĂ©pet' d'Abilly is touring the villages and playing at Charnizay's salle de fete tonight and tomorrow night. Earlier in the week Niall saw a collection of theatre flats being delivered. 9pm will see us taking our seats for 'Larguez les Amarres' a comedy about Maurice, a down-trodden husband, his mates in the local bar and their madcap plans to help him. We'll let you know how Maurice got on.
Shadow mooching, woodburner ablaze
What a difference a week has made! Last Saturday the lizards were basking in the sunshine. Now the woodburner is on and the cats are seeking out the warmest nooks in the house.


Blody Cold Day said...

The sun hit us here all the day...I hope someday my place can get that cold.

But fortunately we don't need woodburner at all

The Broad said...

How cozy it looks! Love the photos -- and the fog and Carl Sandburg. Stay warm and enjoy!

Jean said...

What lovely photos - as you say, very Novemberish.
It was beautiful here at 9am this morning and I took Lulu for a lovely long walk. Now it's cold, wet, grey and very windy. Maybe our run of unseasonably mild weather is over - we have been very lucky so far.
Tonight is the night that the snow started falling last year - I sincerely hope we don't get another winter like that !!
Your woodburner looks gorgeous - we might light our coal fire tonight, just for the ambience !!

Diane said...

Love that first photo it is gorgeous. We were very misty as well this morning. Nigel went out in the car late morning and that was saying 5C then. Our fire is also burning brightly :) Diane

ladybird said...

Your house looks sooooo cosy and inviting! Can I come and snuggle up to the fire with the cats? :)) Martine

Niall & Antoinette said...

@RingBali - you'd have me worried if it got as cold as here in Bali :-) This day last year we had our 1st snowfall.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Broad - thanks! Carl Sandberg popped into my head earlier this week when it was foggy but I didn't get round to finishing the post until today-- again suitably foggy so I could take pics.

LindyLouMac said...

We still see lizards basking in the sun in the middle of the day but like you mornings and evenings are now chilly and the stufa is burning!

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Jean - I think it may be so. Last year we had our 1st snow on the 25th as well.
Our fuschia still has a few blooms but i bet it's pretty shocked now :-)

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Diane - thanks! Fog stayed around all day. Woodburner is great it heats most of the house and we never get tired of just sitting of an evening looking at the flames.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Martine - je bent van harte welkom :-)

Niall & Antoinette said...

@LindyLou - it didn't really get above 7C today so all lizards are safely tucked up [under our eaves no doubt!]

GaynorB said...

Looks warm and cosy inside. As jean says very mild still here, although we have put out electric blanket on the bed ready for the cooler nights which have been forecast.

Enjoy your evening at the theatre! Salt, our village in the UK, regularly has touring theatre groups. They are always good fun and enjoyable - cheap too, as you take your own tipple!

the fly in the web said...

Is this a local troupe?
I used to take part years ago and loved it part usually consisted of saying 'Shocking!'

Anonymous said...

I've noticed that the old feral cat has now moved from the barn into an insulated, (and cushioned!) igloo at night must be getting cold.

Your hearth looks so cosy, the cat looks as though it's heading that way.


Niall & Antoinette said...

@Gaynor - tipple was offered by the mairie: cider [and madiera cake] :-) Just as well as contrary to our experience of village halls it was boiling!
Fog still lurking today but not as chilly as yesterday.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Fly - pretty local: Abilly is a village close to Decartes; about 20km away.
We both used to do a lot of drama and loved it:-)

Niall & Antoinette said...

@SP - oh they know the warmest spots! Shadow has even taken to hogging most of the bed at night--we fight a losing battle ;-)

Pollygarter said...

Just an observation... on Friday the temperature at 4C at 8'ish DROPPED to 2C by lunch.... then slowly climbed to a balmy 7.5C when it started raining!!
Tim [masquerading as a Cat]

WV is "conizzli"... the drizzly weather you get when the weather forecast says "SUNNY"... Pauline has hung the washing out in the bathroom.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Tim - we noticed the same it was 7C when we left the salle des fetes at 11pm. Much warmer than earlier in the day.

Kathy said...

Lovely photos and I did like the Sandberg poem. We travelled down from Scotland on the 25th, hence the delay in seeing this post Far too windy for fog, but we did have some wet snow on the high parts of the A9. The first of the winter for us.

Hope you enjoyed your night at the theatre.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Perpetua - glad you arrived safely! Saw the gale warning on TV. No snow here...back to a - relatively - mild 14.
Theatre was fun.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Frances - welcome & thanks for leaving a comment! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love this poem! Gorgeous photos too!

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Ladyjustine - Welcome thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hope you enjoy your read :-).
Just read your moving to France bit on your blog--VERY sound advice :-)