We thought the terrace tiles would have been laid by now. The original plan was that it would be done while we were visiting family in Edinburgh. However, the weather gods had other ideas, and the tiles remain under wraps. The weather has just been too erratic and we need to wait until we are guaranteed a goodly run of rain-free days as otherwise the tiles won't set properly.
... bulbs we planted last October |
brilliant blue iris ... |
This isn't to say that we haven't had good days here and there; at last Sunday's plant fair it was super. However, we've had far more days like today: this morning it was cloudly but breaking into some sunny spells and the temperature was a perfectly reasonable 18C. After lunch the clouds began to turn the ominous purple which preceeds a downpour and yes .... down came the rain. In fact, météo has forecast thunderstorms with hail for later this afternoon/evening.
byzantine purple bearded iris |
Mind you Niall won't mind as he will be watching the Scottish Cup final live on TV. For the first time since 1896 it is an all Edinburgh derby: Heart of Midlothian versus Hibernian. Niall has always been a Hearts supporter; so it will be a case of "come on you Jambos!"
super camouflage! |
In the meantime here are a few photos of our different irises taken during a sunny spell. As well as a brilliantly camouflaged green spider who crept into a frame!
Update at 17:45: Niall very pleased as Hearts won 5 -1.
I simply love those irises (and the little green spider too)!! We don't get them overhere and whenever I seen them, they remind me of France. Shall I try and bring you some fine summer weather? Please don't be cross with me if I don't succeed. Enjoy your weekend! Martine
@Martine - Oh yes please!! Though we'll forgive you if you don't :-)
The purple one is beautiful! I love irises but I just can't get them to grow successfully in my garden. Thanks for sharing yours.
The irises are beautiful. We have a clump at Le Pre Vert, but unfortunately are never there to see them at their very best. One day ...
5-1 is a very convincing victory. No doubt you've cracked open a bottle of sparkles to celebrate.
Gorgeous flowers, Antoinette. I too love irises and these are fine specimens. The temperature in Mid-Wales is probably less than half yours, but thankfully the Met Office is now forecasting a couple of days next week where we might reach 20C! If you get the same perhaps you can get the terrace tiled. :-)
@AJ - they grow like weeds here. The purple one is a 'transplant' from the wall of one of the ruined houses here in the lieu-dit.
@Gaynor - Alsace Gewurztraminer opened in celebration :-)
@Perpetua - fingers crossed, fingers crossed!
Beautiful irises....
Mine grew like weeds too, from a batch I recuperated from the skip at the local dump.
Beautiful irises....
Mine grew like weeds too, from a batch I recuperated from the skip at the local dump.
Hello Niall and Antoinette:
It is so frustrating when one has plans for building work to be done only to be thwarted by the inclement weather. You do seem to have had more than your fair share of rain.
But, the Irises are wonderful and are guaranteed to lift the spirits!
@Fly - we love them and it was fun waiting to see what colour break they'd be.
Quite pleased with the deep purple although the powder/lavender blue ones remain favourite. Now we just need to find some of those to 're-home' ;-)
@Jane & Lance - indeed they do! They're one of our favourite flowers along with poppies.
It is a bit frustrating, but as they say: c'est la vie. It will sort itself in time.
We have so much we want to do but this weather just is not what we need to get going. I am really getting fed up with the cold now, we are still running our heating!!!
Your irises are lovely, the ones here I have just dug out they were small, very pale and most uninteresting! Praying for some sun. Diane
There is a saying that there is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes.
Personally I think that's a load of nonsense, obviously writted by some stoic from the frozen north who gets a new flask and pair of wellies each Christmas !! You can't beat proper warm sunshine and we're more than ready for it.
Beautiful photos of irises. I love them nearly as much as I love tulips.
@Diane - we've had the heating on too, off and on. Hopefully we get better weather towards the end of the week.
@Jean - 'tis a silly saying indeed! Don't think the clothing has been made yet which really keeps you dry in the rain.
We'd all be the better for a couple of weeks of good weather :-)
Your irises are looking lovely I think it has been a particularly good year for them, don't you. :)
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