Sunday 16 October 2011


going cat walkies
We have mentioned it before; our cats come for a stroll with us. Not for very long ones it has to be said. But those little ones of say 10, or 15 mins duration round about our Lieu-dit or around the field access tracks. We take the camera along just in case we see something of interest.

grapes in the hedgerow
Recently we were pottering along the little rural chemin which serves as access to our lieu-dit and saw a profusion of grapes entangled in the hedgerow. The parcel of land, bordered by the dry stone wall on which the grapes grow is on the right as you look down the chemin [photo with Niall and the cats] . According to our neighbours it has a lot of owners. This isn't unusual in France; in this case the couple who owned the house and land died many years ago in a road traffic accident so the house and the land was shared between a number of heirs. As far as we know, at present, they now number about 16 and, as is the way of things, can't agree what to do; which is why the house has fallen into ruin. 

map of walks around Charnizay
However, Charnizay also has a number of 'proper' circular walks [12.5km and 14km] which are well sign-posted.  Recently when we had to pop into the Marie we saw they had had new leaflets printed to publicise these. One curcuit loops to the NE and runs past the dolmen 'Les Palets de Gargantua'. The other loops in a NW direction to the small lake 'L' étang du Bois Guenand'. 
map of walks at La Ribaloche
Just to the SE of Charnizay, off the D103 which leads to Azay-le-Ferron is a sign for 'La Ribaloche' and Foret Communale de Tours/Preuilly. Here too are a number of walks and a well marked bridle path for horse riders. The walks vary from 2,5km to 12km.The shortest has, at intervals, information panels explaining the flora, fauna and history of the area. During the summer months you can also book a carriage ride through the forest. 

The forest was originally part of the barony of Preuilly. At the time of the French Revolution it was sold together with the Chateau at Azay-le-Ferron. The whole estate, castle and forest, was bequeathed, by the then owners, the Hersent-Luzarche family to the city of Tours in 1952.


Pollygarter said...

Walks in the foret de Preuilly highy recommended - especially the forestry walk which has a series of information panels about management of the woodland. It's quite a profitable enterprise, apparently!

GaynorB said...

Useful information for our next visit!

the fly in the web said...

When I was first house hunting in France I saw so many derelict properties which were only theoretically for give the many heirs a figure over which to argue!

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Pauline - it is a lovely place. Guests who visited over the summer enjoyed walking there and appreciated the info panels.

@Gaynor - we've walked in Preuilly forest but not either of the 2 Charnizay circular walks. If you do one let us know what you thought.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@fly - LOL so true.

Ida said...

the grapes ar for the heirs too....or for their neighbours???? antoinette are you already stamping your feet in a bucket to make wine?

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Ida - not quite :-) Grapes were picked by neighbors on the 'it's a shame to have them go to waste' principle.

Kathy said...

Wonderful - grapes in the hedgerow and some very interesting history. We have apples galore of course in Normandy, but alas no grapes.