Tuesday 2 July 2013

Bat protection

We have pipestrelle bats. These cute little beasties sleep away the day behind the shutters of two of our south facing windows. We like bats and enjoy seeing them fly out in the evenings. The fact that they eat zillions of tiny insects is a bonus.

The bats -- we have never more than 4 -- use the shutters as a summer roost. When summer is over they decamp to a permanent roost somewhere else. This will be a larger, more sheltered structure where there will be a bigger colony able to all huddle together for warmth.

We've written about them before here. Last year they appeared in March. This year, with the very poor weather we've had, they have been only very infrequent visitors. Now however, the weather seems to have finally settled down.

We've had warmer days so they are back on a regular basis and we've had the usual interest from the cats, so operation bat protection has been activated. Sounds grand doesn't it? All it really means is that we ensure that the window sills are occupied with things so that the cats can't jump on them to poke a paw up behind the shutter.

A friend who dropped by recently and brought a lovely little plant and it, along with two candle lanterns, have made an effective and pretty 'barrier'.

bat protection on windowsill
Just as well, as we were reminded of how efficient our cats can be at hunting recently. We were out on the terrace and rolling one of those solid rubber balls about for Shadow. As befitting a mature [8yrs] feline gentleman he obliged us by giving it a bit of interest, but to say he was putting 100% effort into chasing it would be an exageration! Until...

A house martin diving down over the pine trees shot into the open kitchen door. It was obviously following a tasty insect and didn't realise it had flown into the house. There was a slight knock as it first flew into the other half of the double door trying to get out -- happily not at full speed as that would have been the end of it -- before it shot out of the door chittering indignantly.
the energetic hunter....
All of this happend in a few seconds. It also transformed Shadow. In a nano second he changed from slightly indolent cat humouring its owers into ultra focused hunter! As the house martin flew in he clocked it and whipped round to follow its flight into the kitchen. Then he produced an almighty leap to try and catch it as it flew out. He missed by a whisker. It was quite impressive stuff!


MorningAJ said...

Shadow's lovely! But I know what you mean about hunter cats. Our Maisie (also around 8 - 9 ish) can go from cute ornament to killing machine in less than a second if she takes a fancy to something. Fortunately it's just as likely to be a leaf as a bird.

Bats are cool. I'm very jealous that you have regular visitors.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@AJ - he's a real sweetie. but is terrified of strange people so a bit of a wuss. As a hunter however, he's an excellent rodent catcher [very tidy eater of his kills as well]

We feel quite lucky to have our visitors :-)

GaynorB said...

Syd was our cat until he decamped to our neighbours because they hand fed him jumbo prawns and cooked chicken on the kitchen worktop. With us he got whatever out of a sachet!

At 13 he ha slowed down considerably and is less of a killing machine, even when the fancy takes him.

Shadow is a very handsome looking cat.

Jean said...

He's got that "who, me?", butter wouldn't melt look for the photo. What a handsome cat!

The Broad said...

What a lovely 'hunter' you have -- and so elegant against the terracotta of the pot! Brilliant and pretty solution to protect the little beasties!

Craig said...

He looks gorgeous. Is he a "give me a cuddle" cat or is he a "you are my servant go and fetch my food" cat?

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Gaynor - as much as we love them we know we're the staff and if somewhere else offers such gourmet dining as Syd was offered ours would be off like a shot too; especially Tinka :-)

ladybird said...

Shadow is beautiful, so 'royal'! I can very well imagine him on a throne, stretched out on a red velvet cushion. But you know I have a soft spot for 'kleine, coquette Katinka', don't you?
Enjoy your 'batty' visitors! ;) Martine

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Jean - Oh yes he does that look VERY well!

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Broad - It took a lot of fussing before he actually settled down as he's a bit big for the pot. But he was determined to sit on/in it.

Except Tinka 'discovered' one in the barn earlier...sigh ..but I managed to get it off her and it flew off looking pretty ok.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Craig - defintely a give me a cuddle type although he hates being picked up. He loves getting fussed over.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Martine - Shadow is our lovable wuss; but yes he can do 'regal' when he puts his mind to it.

Katinka is a little 'madam' with more charm than is good for her :-)

the fly in the web said...

He's a gorgeous cat....I love the expression of being monarch of all he surveys.

I'd been about to say that we don't have to protect the bats here, having dogs, but last night our small dog finally became aware of bats outside the bedroom window at night and spent an hour or so hopping up and down trying to catch them through the glass.

They used to enter the house in France when some unwary person left their window open and would swoop up and down the stairwell to the alarm of visitors seeking the loos.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Fly - he is a smart gemtleman isn't he? It's just a shame no one ever really gets to see him as he vanishes at the merest hint of 'strangers'.

Love the image of bats swooping in the stairwell! :-)

Vera said...

We have 21 chicks who need to be let out of their cages so they can free to range during the day, as is what usually happens. But, Lucy arrived here in February, and since the chicks are still bite sized, they have to stay out of her reach! Not sure how big they have to be before they cease to be a snack for her though!

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Vera - gosh no idea. I suspect that they will be less interesting when they stop running around cheeping aimlessly.

Shadow brought home the giant of all mice last night and proudly laid it on the doormat. We think it was in thanks for his 15 mins of fame on the blog! ;-)

Kathy said...

I remember your bat post and am glad to hear they're back at last. I love your bat protection and know just what you mean about the instant transformation from sleepy cat to ferocious hunter. It can be a bit scary!

Our bats are out and about too, though we're not sure where they roost - probably at the back of our decrepit open-fronted woodshed.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Perpetua - we're just pleased that the weather is now warm enough that they roost with us on a regular basis.

We think we might have a few in our barn as well but they are more difficult to spot than the shutter sleepers.

rusty duck said...

In those warm summer evenings of olde it was such a treat to sit out in the garden and watch the bats. I've no idea where ours roost, but every night at dusk they would be out.
Hey ho.. maybe next week, it's supposed to be warming up at last.

Niall & Antoinette said...

@Rusty - it has finally turned here and we've got super summer weather so that means bat watching at dusk and tackling the greenery with a vengeance during the day.